- Father McBride's Teen Catechism: Based on the Catechism of the Catholic Church
- The Gospel of the Holy Spirit: Meditation and Commentary on the Acts of the Apostles
- Images of Mary
- Essentials of the Faith: A Guide to the Catechism of the Catholic Church
- Holding Jesus: Reflections on Mary, the Mother of God
- Jack Dominian
- Elizabeth Babbs
- Alfred Hughes
- Aaron Milavec
- Michael Fonseca
- Page McKean Zyromski
- C.T. Thomas
- Zen M. Keizan
- Thomas O'Loughlin
- Paul Diel
- Richard Foulkes
- Alfred McBride, O.Praem.
- Edwin Walhout
- Clarence J. Enzler
- Giacomo Perego
- George R. Szews
- Joann Green
- Peter J. Arnoudt
- John Bergsma
- Peg Bowman