Thanatos!: Gre3ek God of Death (Tovar Cooke) (Volume 5)
The Best Ramrod Under the Sun: A Hard Way to Earn a Livin'
The Commodore's Mine: Trail Into Trouble
A Cowboy for All Countries: A French Adventure
WYOMING THUNDER!: Infestation of Greedy Cattle Barons
The Explosive Fargo: A Name For Trouble
Otis Ornsby: A Man Not To Tangle With
Raw Deception: What you see is not what you get! (Tovar Cooke) (Volume 2)
Two Guns and an Anvil: The One Dollar Marshal
I'm Just a Blacksmith
San Francisco Thunder!: Loose lips sink ships!
Last Ride, Into Mexico (Tovar Cooke)
I'm Just a Blacksmith: Reluctant Protection (Tovar Cooke)
Last Ride, Into Mexico: Journey of No Return
The Lost Pyramid
Pontifex of the Rockies: Fighting Land Grabbers and a Woman
Penny Storm: The Philadelphia Experience
The Lost Pyramid: Those Who Find It Are Dead!
I Will Follow Him
Max Max: I came here to live, not die!
The Saga of Molly McCassly: No Protection Needed
I Will Follow Him: To the Ends of the Earth!