- Saab 900 (October 1993-98) Service and Repair Manual (Haynes Service & Repair Manuals)
- V W Rabbit : Jetta, Scirocco, Pick-up : All gasoline engine models : '74 thru '81 (Scirocco 'Mk 1') : '74 thru '84 (Rabbit, Jetta, Picu-up 'Mk 1') : '80 thru '85 (Rabbit Convertible) : Owners Workshop
- Weber Carburetors Owners Workshop Manual (Haynes Weber Carburetors)
- Saab 9-5 4-cyl Petrol: 97-04 (Haynes Service & Repair Manuals)
- Saab 9-3 Petrol and Diesel Service and Repair Manual: 1998 to 2002 (Haynes Service & Repair Manuals)