This is an outstanding book. It offers a lot of really good advice and warnings. I loved it.
This book tells you everything you need to know about the legalities of your private life. It is especially useful in understanding what you boss can know and can't know about your privacy. You would be surprised to know what future employers can learn about you. Get it, learn your rights.
Wow! Did you know your medical information soon may be available on the Internet?? This book gives great, easy to follow advice on protecting our Constitutional right to privacy. The necessary phone #s and addresses are included so you can ensure that your rights are protected. I checked this book out from the library but ended up purchasing a copy for myself and one for my mom because the book is a great reference tool...
The curse of the binary is in dividing the world into two kinds of people: people who eat the pizza’s crust and those who don’t, pie people vs. cake people, mustard people and catsup people, and speaking of cats, there seem to be cat people and dog people. Groan if you like, but this is a serious division, at least to dog people and cat people.